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蒋忠远院长 |
- 蒋忠远院长的祖上为中医世家,秉承其北京万春堂的精湛医术, 蒋忠远院长的父亲蒋恒生医师早年继续在香港悬壶济世,造福病人。蒋忠远院长自小在其父辈的熏陶和培养下,有着深厚的中医术底蕴,但为了与时并进,吸收西方医学的精髓,毅然投身西医行列,毕业于香港大学医学院,成功成为一名香港的注册西医。蒋忠远院长前瞻性的理念和治疗手段,又不脱离老祖宗智慧和知识,令他在医学领域上得到众多的委任。
- 2014年 香港分子及细胞医学研究所所长
- 2015年 美国奇数大学客座科学家,并与日本东京医学院、以色列(SHEBA)中央医院、美国(MAYO)梅奥医院、美国东部(MFKCC)肿瘤医院合作精准医学方面的课题研究。
- The ancestors of president Chiang Chun Yuan are generation of Chinese medicine , adhering to the Beijing million to consummate medical skill,continue to practise medicine in Hong Kong in early life, benefit to patient. Chiang Chun Yuan was under their parents' influence and good teaching since childhood, and cultivate medical skill in the deep inside information, but for the sake of with the times, absorb the essence of western medicine, future and western medicine, a graduate of Hong Kong university school of medicine, success to become a registered in Hong Kong western medicine. He forward-looking ideas and treatments, and not from ancestors, wisdom and knowledge to the appointment of a he got many in the medical field.
- 2014 Founder of Institute of cell molecular medicine(HK)
- 2015 As an odd number of guest in American scientists at the university, and with the school of medicine in Tokyo, Japan, Israel (SHEBA) central hospital, United States (MAYO), MAYO clinic, the eastern United States (MFKCC) tumor hospital cooperation precision medical research.
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